↠ Grants / Subsidies ↠ 2025 | Ecoforest

Grants / Subsidies

Grants / Subsidies
Grants / Subsidies
Grants / Subsidies
Grants / Subsidies


Grants / Subsidies

Biomasa Ecoforestal de Villacañas S.L.U. has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, with the support of ICEX and the co-financing of European ERDF funds. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

Grants / Subsidies

Ecoforest Geotermia S.L. has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Programme, with the support of ICEX and the co-financing of European ERDF funds. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.


ERDF – European Regional Development Fund

PROJECT: PO/1180/P05. Construction of a new production plant comprising two modules. One for the assembly, manufacture and storage of products, which will allow us to expand our production facilities, and a second module consisting of a ground floor and two floors for the R&D&I laboratory and corporate building.

Achieving a more competitive business fabric.

“A way of doing Europe”.

Grants / Subsidies
Grants / Subsidies

Igape Galicia Export Grants

This company was the beneficiary of a grant from the Igape Galicia Exporta Empresas programme. These grants main goal is to incentivate and stimulate external trade and internationalisation of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.

Operation co-financed by the European Union.

Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020

Achieving a more competitive business sector

“A way of doing Europe”

Igape Foexga Plan Grants 2019-2020

This company participates in an internationalisation project, an operation co-financed by the European Union through the Igape Plan Foexga 2019-2020 programme.
As support to the process of internationalisation ECOFOREST, has aid granted by the Xunta de Galicia through the Igape co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the operational framework Feder de Galicia 2014-2020, OT3.

Achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy

“A way of doing Europe”

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