↠ Ecoforest and Sunthalpy sign an agreement for the co-marketing of energy efficient solutions » September | Ecoforest
Composición combinando una bomba de calor geotérmica de Ecoforest y una habitación con el emisor de baja entalpía sunthadress de Sunthalpy.

Ecoforest and Sunthalpy sign an agreement for the co-marketing of energy efficient solutions

The Spanish companies Ecoforest and Sunthalpy have signed an agreement to start co-marketing energy efficient equipment. Both companies are active in the energy efficiency sector: Ecoforest is the longest established Spanish heat pump manufacturer, while Sunthalpy offers low-enthalpy air conditioning emitter systems. The joint marketing of their solutions will enable customers to achieve greater comfort with maximum efficiency.

Ecoforest manufactures ground-source and air-source heat pumps with Inverter technology capable of producing heating, cooling, domestic hot water and hot water for swimming pools. The heat pumps offer greater efficiency with emitter systems at low temperatures. Among them, the new sunthaldress and sunthalpanel products operate at very low temperatures between 18 °C and 30 °C, resulting in even higher heat pump efficiency even in retrofitting works.

“Heat pumps capacity to work with low temperatures combined with the efficiency and revolution of its panels makes this collaboration the best possible solution,” says Iago Bastos, Business Development Manager of Heat Pumps.

“Sunthalpy’s sunthaldress and sunthalpanel offer Ecoforest the possibility to market the best air conditioning solution. Proof of this are the poorly insulated old buildings that Sunthalpy is turning into positive ones. Ecoforest will expand our impact to Europe by marketing our solutions,” says Omar Suárez, managing director of Sunthalpy

Ecoforest and Sunthalpy will combine their commercial networks to offer the products in the Spanish and European markets.

Detached house with an Ecoforest heat pump and low-enthalpy emitters by Sunthalpy:

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