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42 buildings in Alcorcón - Geothermal Installation

42 buildings in Alcorcón – Geothermal Installation

  • Localization: Alcorcón, España
  • Category: Eat pump / Geothermal
  • Model: 3 x ecoGEO HP3 15 – 70
  • Power: 210 kW
  • Service : Heating, cooling and DHW
  • Installer: Akiter

The construction sector, as an important energy consumer, is evolving rapidly towards greater efficiency.

That is the reason why the housing cooperative Scaya Alcorcón Sociedad Cooperativa Madrileña, as promoter of the project developed by NOIR Arquitectura, has established requirements for high energy efficiency and savings for the HVAC system and production of domestic hot water of the 42 Single Family Homes Adosadas en the municipality of Alcorcón in Madrid, whose construction has recently started Bauensa Constructora SA. Akiter Renovables S.L., In collaboration with the energy engineering company Gbingener Siglo XXI, has designed the system of air conditioning and production of sanitary hot water using as a generation geothermal heat pumps with radiant-cooling floor as a system.

42 buildings in Alcorcón - Geothermal Installation

In accordance with the characteristics of the building and the geological conditions of the area, to extract the necessary calorific power, 30 vertical probes of 135 meters of depth were made each. The catchment system has a total of 4,050 meters of geothermal drilling. It is a cascade installation of 3 water-water heat pumps Ecoforest inverter model ecoGEO HP3 with a power range of 15-70 kW each. The peak energy demand will be given in heating mode and is calculated at 205,000 W for all concepts. The accumulator tank of ACS is 3,000 l (2 Units) and the deposit deinercia of only 500 l.

The cold-heat emission will be by radiant-cooling floor, on an EPS plate 30 mm thick and 30 kg / m3 density in the two living plants. Each house has a chronothermostat in the room that will act on a zone valve at the entrance of each house and thermostats of electronic environment in the rest of the rooms. The control of the energy consumption of air conditioning is done by energy meters that are installed at the entrance of each house and reports the consumption data telematically to the community administrator. The control of the domestic hot water consumption is by means of individual volumetric meters located in the same location.

42 buildings in Alcorcón - Geothermal Installation

Installation data:

Location: Alcorcón, España

Year: 2018

Category: Heat pump – Ground source

Model:  3 x ecoGEO HP3 15 – 70 

Power:  210 kW

Services: CaleHeating, cooling and DHW

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