Spain: Eimos School
Spain: Eimos School

Spain: Eimos School

  • Localization: Mos, España
  • Category: Air-source and water-to-water heat pump
  • Model: 1x ecoGEO B2 5-22kW EH + AU12
  • Power: 22 kW
  • Service : Heating and DWH

The new pre-school located in Mos uses geometry and natural occouring themes to encompass all its students. The long fragmented roof strips allow light to pour in the south side, providing the building with an abundance of natural light in all interior spaces. Well lit and ventilated, it’s a building in which children can enjoy nature protected by the outer circle and completely disconnected from the industrial estate. All the classrooms are oriented to the South and have direct access to the outdoor leisure area. The project was led by Estefanía Grandal (Encaixe Arquitectura yIngeniería), Faustino Patiño and Juan Prieto. The work has been executed by the construction company Misturas, for the network of nursery schools of the Xunta de Galicia, Galiña Azul.

Spain: Eimos School

The total surface area which needed to be heated was 550 m2, with energy demands of 15 kW in heating. The heat is captured by an Ecoforest AU12 air heater, which has been placed within the schools walls, in order to avoid distrupting the visual symmetry. The installed heat pump is an ecoGEO B2T 5-22 EH, capable of producing heating and domestic hot water at high temperatures. In addition, the team manages legionella control and DHW recirculation.

Installation data:

Location: Mos, Spain

Year: 2018

Category: Air and Ground Source

Model: AU12 + 1x ecoGEO B2 5-22kW EH 

Power: 22 kW

Services: Heating and DHW 

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